A Century of Mummy Myth and Tut Treasures

To help readers celebrate a century of Tut treasures and mummy movies, HEN put together this infographic to help readers separate fact from fiction. / infographic by Dominic Ho

An unlikely discovery was made in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings on Nov. 4, 1922.

A few years after archeologists had virtually given up hope of finding another pharaoh’s tomb in the area, the first step into King Tutankhamun’s tomb was found. The little known boy pharaoh was about to become a celebrity, thousands of years after his death.

Following the announcement of the opening and its grand treasures found inside, Egyptian motifs became all the fashion in Western culture. At the same time, the legend — now widely disproven — of a mummy’s curse also caught on, and following in its rotting footsteps, the Mummy movie.

To celebrate a century of Tut treasures and mummy movies, Halloween Every Night put together this clickable infographic to help readers separate fact from fiction.