Hang Out At The Comic Book Hideout On Free Comic Book Day

Woman in red dress leans on comic book stand while she smiles
Glynnes Speak of Comic Book Hideout

Comic Book Hideout has been open for over a decade, but owner Glynnes Speak’s history with comic books goes back a few more issues.

“I have been selling comic books since I was a little girl,” she says, “I grew up in the comic book community with my dad – who now has a spot inside my shop.”

Speak has loved comic books all her life, and in particular, the power of immersion they hold. To her, they allow readers the ability to enjoy and embrace a new world through artwork without having to let go of the workings of imagination. “Comic books are a union between creative writing and art, and they synchronize the two in a way that can really touch people,” she says. 

Nurturing that love for comic books, Speak opened her own shop in Fullerton. It was a turning point in her life, yet she knew exactly why she was going down this path. “Creating Comic Book Hideout was really about making a space for people to find ways to be connected and feel included,” she says, “And to create a sense of comradery based in the wonderful world of art, writing, and creative expression.”

Speak and the folks over at Comic Book Hideout are more than ready for Free Comic Book Day, May 6. They’ve got big plans and fun activities in store. “Free Comic Book day for us is like comic book Christmas” she says, “It’s the biggest day of the year, and we are all hands on deck. Everyone in my store is stoked to give everyone as much free swag and as much of a great experience as they can.” 

In addition to the free comics, the store has an impressive lineup of special offers, opportunities, and more for comic-lovers. Some of these activities include giveaways, contests, and even unique discounts and savings. Customers who come to the store on Free Comic Book Day wearing a Comic Book Hideout t-shirt, or in cosplay, customers can get extra discounts.

Speaks attributes Comic Book Hideout’s success to her staff. “My staff is hand selected to be the best ambassadors for comic book culture. A lot of comic book stores tend to gatekeep, and can be full of people who are disinterested in talking about or helping others to explore the comic book world” she says. 

And everyone is welcome. Speak says her shop tries to cultivate an environment of inclusivity to new readers, young readers, families, people of color, and to the LGBTQ community and love for everybody who wants to get into comic books.

She invites anyone “interested in getting into comic books, or if you’re a long-time lover” to the shop. Pretty much any day of the year is good, but May 6, stopping by comes with a free comic. 

Comic book Hideout 
215 W. Commonwealth Ave.
Fullerton, Calif.
Hours: 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays
11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays
(657) 217-0624